The MCE, Hon. Seth Oduro Boadu was highly excited to support the governments vision to empower Persons with Disabilities (PWDS) within the municipality. 

The support system which is the second phase since I was sworn into office is aimed at resourcing our fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers and children affected in one form of disability or the other to make them self reliant. 

I wish to commend my Disability Fund Management Commitee for their efforts.

The support provided was based on the need assessment conducted by the disability fund management Committee with an average amount of GH’s 800.00.

It’s worth noting that, some beneficiaries had above the average amount and some had below the average amount.

The Assembly is conscious of the disparities and will factor that into our future support for beneficiaries. 

A Total of about 51 people were assessed supported. 

The support items included 

Provision to general goods to trade such as

Bags of Rice

Box of key soap 

Box of Malt and milk 

Frytol Oil

Box of Milo 

Box of cerelac 

Box of Tasty Tom

Box of Cowbell

2. Farm inputs i.e chemicals, Wallington boots, spraying machines

3. Big jericans for hiring 

4. Cassava milling machine

5. 50 Plastic Chairs each for hiring

6. Deep freezers 

7. Shoe making machines

Among other items

We will put in a mechanism to monitor the utilization to ensure effectiveness and to also make sure that beneficiaries comply with the said directives. 

We will ensure every beneficiary who abuse the support is eliminated from future disbursement.

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