Central Administration is headed by the Municipal Coordinating Director (MCD) and is responsible for ensuring the implementation of governmental policies, projects and programmes at the MMDAs level.
The department guides policy formulation, planning and decision-making at the Assembly.
As part of its core responsibilities, Central Administration acts as a liaison between Heads of other governmental and non-governmental agencies and the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), it manages financial and other resources of the Assembly in consultation with the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE).
The Head of the Department serves as a Secretary to the Assembly and chairs the Municipal Planning and Coordinating Unit (MPCU) and acts as an advisor to the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE). The Department also ensures that the capabilities, skills and knowledge of staff are well developed.
Human Resource
The Human Resource Unit coordinates all human resources programmes; and organize staff trainings.
The Unit ensures the effective and efficient administration of human resources; translate institutional policies in respect of employment, personnel, wages and salaries into good management practices. The unit also updates the records of staff on regular basis as well as ensuring the inter and intra departmental collaboration to facilitate staff performance and development.
The Human Resource Unit reports on all human resource related activities and put in measures to upgrade the capabilities, skills and knowledge of staffs in the Assembly. The Unit also performs other roles such as seeing to the general welfare of Staffs and Appraising direct reports.
Development Planning
The Municipal Planning & Coordinating Unit is responsible for providing leadership in the planning, implementation and evaluation of development projects and programmes in the Assembly.
The Unit provides lead support in the preparation of Annual Reports, Development Action Plans and Medium-Term Development Plans. It also monitors and reports on all development projects that takes place within the Municipality.
The Unit liaises with stakeholders to collect inputs necessary to aid in the formulation of public policies and programmes.
The Unit also coordinates activities of Out-of-Home advertisement and provides the general public with general advice and education on processes and permitting of Outdoor advertisement during public hearing events like town hall meetings.
The unit provides strategic direction for the achievement of the overall objective of the procurement function in the Service.
The unit plans and coordinates activities related to procurement, manages the development and implementation of the procurement plan, provides inputs for the preparation of the annual budget and liaises with service providers and other stakeholders to undertake procurement activities.
It is also the responsibility of the Unit to ensure that the procurement activities are in harmony with the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) and Public Procurement Act, 2016 (Act 914), supervise stores management and assets disposal as well as the preparation and submission of Annual and Periodic Reports to the Public Procurement Authority
Management Information System
The unit provides leadership in the development and the application of IT/IM (Information Management) standards and quality assurance system in relation to the implementation, development and the deployment of IT/IM systems and resources.
It also advises on the provision and maintenance of computers and other office accessories. The unit also contributes to addressing IT/IM problems and issues and provides leadership in the design and implementation of security measures to protect the IT/IM installations, infrastructure and systems.
Information Service
The Municipal Information Services Department is responsible for disseminating government policies to people within the municipality.
The Department is tasked with the responsibility of sensitising and educating citizens on various activities (E.g: health screening exercises, street hawking, On-Street parking, etc.) organized by the Assembly.
The Department also reports on the Assembly’s monthly activities and Daily activities and ensures that these reports are duly submitted to top management of the Assembly and the Ministry respectively. MIS also sees to the compilation and timely delivery of Situational reports and Public Reaction reports within the Assembly to the Minstry of Local Government and Rural Development.
Accurate statistics are indispensable for good policy and decision making; identifying best courses of action in addressing complex development issues; for monitoring in a transparent manner, government’s service delivery to individuals and households both at the national and district levels; and for monitoring and evaluating national policy frameworks. It is recognized that statistics act as a stimulant to public action, a catalyst for change, and an input in making development programmes work.
In view of this vital role statistics play in the national development agenda, the Local Government Service (LGS) has necessitated the creation of the Statistics Unit, an addition to their organizational structure to generate routine data at the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assembly (MMDA) levels to augment that of the national statistics, in achieving the national development goal drive. Data gathered will help shape development priorities and an effective way of monitoring and evaluating implemented projects at the assembly.
Furthermore, to provide technical advice and operational support for the implementation of the activities of the Department.
The Budget Unit provides technical leadership in the preparation and implementation of the budget in the Municipal Assembly.
It advises the Assembly on cost implications and financial decisions to be taken in the Assembly. It coordinates the preparation of budgets, participates in the preparation of procurement plan and facilitates in the preparation of the annual Fee-Fixing Resolution.
It ensures the judicious use of resources of the Assembly and it is the first point to commit the Assembly in the payment of expenditure with the preparation of “warrants”.
It also ensures that revenue data of the assembly are reviewed as and when appropriate to reflect in the total number of ratable items in the municipality.