Accurate statistics are indispensable for good policy and decision making; identifying best courses of action in addressing complex development issues; for monitoring in a transparent manner, government’s service delivery to individuals and households both at the national and district levels; and for monitoring and evaluating national policy frameworks. It is recognized that statistics act as a stimulant to public action, a catalyst for change, and an input in making development programmes work.
In view of this vital role statistics play in the national development agenda, the Local Government Service (LGS) has necessitated the creation of the Statistics Unit, an addition to their organizational structure to generate routine data at the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assembly (MMDA) levels to augment that of the national statistics, in achieving the national development goal drive. Data gathered will help shape development priorities and an effective way of monitoring and evaluating implemented projects at the assembly.
Furthermore, to provide technical advice and operational support for the implementation of the activities of the Department.